Spoken English lesson was conducted for Grade 1 to Grade 4 students in Japanese elementary school on May 7th, 2019.

I visited my alma mater to introduce Spoken English for them.
This is because English will be a compulsory subject for Grade 5 and 6 students since 2010 onwards. Japanese government declared that they will be provided 70 English classes per year (1 class = 45min, previously only 35 English classes, but it was not compulsory).
It is an important transition phase to adopt formally English as a Second Language in Japanese educational curriculum which is standardised by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology(MEXT).

Grade 1 to 4 students are also expected to be exposed to English language and culture a lot in their daily activities. We had an exciting time and great interaction to learn English together during a class. We are sincerely hoping children’s healthy growth and development in international society!!!

Collaborated with my alma mater

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By ecce